The Universe Affirms


It seems a constant that when I make a step toward my true self, the universe affirms that action. Yesterday, I wrote, in part, about how I am ready to step forward and let my voice be heard. I will say the things I feel compelled to say, and if I’m lucky, someone, somewhere might benefit from that. It is not from me, but guided by my higher power.

One of the first things I saw on Facebook this morning was:

Borrowed, shared from an amazing woman of truth!
The eclipse opened the way to step firmly into your voice, your intuition, your power. Speak-up, feel it, do it

I come to this blog with the desire to “continue to grow along spiritual lines,” and to begin a regular writing ‘practice. I’m looking at a fairly long road to being able to walk again. Here I hope to remind myself how generous spirit is.



Everything Changes: Sink, Float, or Swim?


About a week and a half ago, I was in a car accident. I got the most serious injury I have ever had: my left ankle was practically shattered and there was a lot of damage to the soft tissue. (I also broke my leg a couple inches below the knee, but that wasn’t even a concern because the ankle damage was so severe.)

The accident was caused by someone else running a red light. Continue reading