Rediscovering My Love of Fiction


It had been a long time since I enjoyed reading a novel. I mean really enjoyed, like completely enveloped in the story and having no sense of time and not able to put the book down.

I’ve been reading for Purpose. I’ve been reading a lot of non-fiction (usually meditation-related) books. Although I enjoyed the reading, it could not be classified as “pleasure reading.” I was studying the text, underlining, and contemplating. The purpose was Learning.

The novels I had been reading were also for a Purpose. I was reading as a writer, meaning that I was studying the craft the author was using. I’ve also been reading novels for the content. I chose books because the viewpoint or environment was something I wanted to learn about for my own current writing project. Some in the latter category were not particularly well-written, so I had to force myself to get through them.

Then, one night, I was feeling like I needed to escape. I had just finished yet another Netflix binge and was sick of that form of entertainment. I wanted to read something fun.

I have an Amazon Fire tablet and a Prime account. So, I opened it up and looked at what free reading I could take advantage of. I’m kindof a snob when it comes to Literature. I often choose literary novels or works from cultures outside my own (I especially love Cuban and African literature). While I enjoy reading those, it’s not always the complete escape I was yearning for.

I chose the selection in the “Contemporary Fiction” category. Not where I usually go, but hey, it was free, so why not. I downloaded and started reading “If You Must Know: A Novel (Potomac Point Book 1) by Jamie Beck.

I flew through the pages. I was incredibly annoyed when anyone interrupted me. I could not put the book down. Uncharacteristic of me, I finished the 300+ page novel in 2 days. I was engrossed in the story, the characters, the place. I had forgotten how much I love reading.

I had been stuck in my own writing project, plagued by the “who cares”  and “why bother” demons. I had been reading so many works that had a Purpose, that I forgot about the purpose that ordinary fiction had.

I was reminded of a quote by Gabrielle Bellot:  “Books, even when we do not realize it, can save us.” Reading gave me a chance to see the world through someone else’s eyes, gave me a little tilt of the head that refreshed the entire scene.

I’m hoping that rediscovering my love of reading novels will inspire me to finish my own novel. It is a book that only I can write, from my perspective, with the characters I create. Regardless of what happens with the finished product, I remembered how much I love getting lost in my own story. I again yearn to visit that world and discover what will happen next.

I almost titled this post “How Amazon Prime Saved My Life.” It gave me the opportunity at just the right time to take a chance on a novel I knew nothing about. I hope I remember to give myself the privilege of reading fiction for no greater purpose than to enjoy reading a good story. May you find those things you enjoy,  and do them just because you enjoy them.

(Image by Comfreak  from Pixabay“>Pixabay)